Zark Foundation

Kamo Areyan

Kamo Areyan

Advisor to Yerevan Mayor

He was born on November 20, 1957 in Internal [Nerkin] Sasnashen village of the RA. In 1975 he finished the local secondary school and in 1979 Yerevan Institute of National Economy. During the years of 1979-1980 he worked at the Institute of Economy of the NAS of the RA as an economist. During the years of 1980-1982 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR. 1982-1995 he worked at the Institute of Economics as a scientific employee. 1989-1992 as a member of the volunteers’ group “Sasuntsiner” he took part at the defense of borders of the Republic of Armenia. Since 1990 he is the chairman of the patriotic union “Sasun-Taron”. During 1995-1999 he was a deputy of the National Assembly of the RA. Till 1997 he has worked in the Standing Committee on Defense, National Security and Internal Affairs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia. During 1997-2001 he has been a deputy to the Mayor of Yerevan and during the months February-May, 1998, ad interim mayor of Yerevan. During 2001-2002 he was the deputy minister of Coordinating the activity of RA Territorial Management Substructures. During the years 2003-2009 he was the first deputy mayor of Yerevan. On July 6, 2009 by the elders’ resolution of Yerevan city he was assigned in the position of the deputy mayor of Yerevan. In 2013 and 2017 he was elected as an elder and assigned in the position of the first deputy mayor of Yerevan. In 2018 he was assigned as an advisor to the mayor of Yerevan. During the years 2014-2018 he was a member of the department of Volunteer Landkeepers. In 2020 as a member of Talin Volunteer Landkeepers he took part in 44 days war of Artsakh in the region of Hadrut. He was awarded the medal of Anania Shirakatsi of RA, Honor’s medal of the National Assembly of the RA, medal of the Prime Minister of the RA, Yerevan Coat of Arms and Fridtjof Nansen’s medals, Vazgen Sargsyan military leader medal, Volunteer Landkeepers 20 years jubilee medal, Cooperation for salvation medal, in 2014 2nd grade medal for the Services rendered for the Motherland. He is married, has two children.